InovGate Roadshow for Israeli startups in Singapore
During October, InovGate led a road show to Singapore taking leading technologies to present few of the Israeli innovation eco-system in Singapore.

GIL 2015:Asia Pacific (Global community of Growth, Innovation and Leadership)
Inovgate Co-founder, Pnina Eytan,was invited to attend a panel in Frost and Sulliven’s Gil2015:Asia Pacific event.

4 Lessons from Startupbootcamp FinTech Singapore
It is done! The 1st cohort of Startupbootcamp FinTech 2015 Singapore had its Demo Day last Wednesday in Gardens By the Bay, Singapore, where the 11 FinTech teams graduated from the 3 months program. With more than 650 attendees it was by far the largest Demo Day of its kind in Asia, and hell yeah,

The 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking is live!
Download the full report here. Welcome to the Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking. It has been almost three years since the last Startup Ecosystem Report was released in November 2012, and since then the startup sector has grown at a booming pace. The centerpiece of the 2015 Startup Ecosystem Ranking is our updated and revamped component

Accelerators Are The New Business School
It’s no secret that most startups fail. What’s a bit less obvious is that most startup accelerators also fail. While a few top-tier programs get the cream of the crop unicorns of the future, the hundreds of others struggle to attract teams that will produce the investment-grade companies on which their models so depend. As

יזמים: 5 סיבות מדוע כדאי לכם להצטרף לאקסלרטור לסטארט-אפים
מאת: גיא קצוביץ’, מנהל תענית האצה 8200 EISP בשנת 2011, היו בישראל 4 תוכניות האצה (אקסלרטורים) פעילות. כיום, ישנן יותר מ-50 תוכניות כאלו, ותוכניות חדשות ממשיכות לצוץ כמו פטריות אחרי הגשם. התוכניות השונות בישראל הוקמו ומופעלות על ידי גורמים שונים ומגוונים – מחברות טכנולוגיה, דרך קרנות הון-סיכון ומוסדות אקדמיים וכלה בארגונים ללא כוונות רווח. לאור המגוון

Startups: Why you can’t just copy ideas from the US to Asia
by Crystal Neri, JFDI, Singapore For startup founders, here are some fundamental differences between Asia and the United States It’s easy to assume that just because a startup worked in America, it would work in Asia too. Why wouldn’t it? Don’t we all need assistants? If so, why did the TaskRabbit clones in Singapore fail? Before you
InovGate has opened a new business program dedicated to helping technology companies succeed in Southeast Asia. InovGate will by leverage the team’s existing connections in Singapore as well as throughout Southeast Asia.
The program is unique among start up hubs and accelerators in Israel due to its focus on the Southeast Asia market
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InovGate - Israel
34 David Elazar St, Hod Hasharon, Israel
Email: Info@Inovgate.com